In order to further develop my site I plan to re-develop the Kaleidoscope page to give access to a wider range of topics.
Table of contents
Open Table of contents
The plan
- Create a new file ‘Kaleidoscopic’
- Scaffold out the file (06/04/2024)
- Develop and add a ‘Hero section’
- Scaffold out the Hero with background image (06/04/2024)
- All went belly up at this Point loads of errors and some back pedalling.
- Finally seem to have a working version again, removed code and stopped using insider build of VS (12/04/2024)
- Issues with builds have pushed me to another template (01/06/2024)
- Implement a ‘Grid’ component to display items
- Downloaded a working grid layout as a sample but would / will need Worker
- Will also need a card to hold content so first step define a content collection
- Enable drill down from items in the grid
So this is the draft plan which I aim to document here in the blog post. (05/04/2024) I plan on adding detail and documenting as I go and I will note, date and reference articles as I go.
Catch Up
Worth mentioning here I have already added the new Database to my project and added it to my test page but not found a genuine use for it yet. Update: as this is now on another template the DB is no longer part of the project.
CSS Grid
So the final layout as of November 2024 is a masonry grid. This with a little tinkering for different screens is working nicely. Happy; no very happy with the cosmetics so far and the Implementation of content is also going well. So time to consolidate, document and do a build. The journey has included a lot of learning and proves again this is a journey not a destination. Build next I think!
Changes for Astro V5.0
Any changes I have to make after upgrade will be logged here :)