Musings over what I have been doing over the winter of 2023/2024, tasks, projects etc.
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I suppose this could come under the heading of Maker rather than project but hey ho. We (Royal We) decided that the dinning chairs needed recovering. No upholstering experience; but how hard can it be? There’s always YouTube.
The hardest part turned out to be getting the staples out of the old covers. Next new foam for the bases, cover with thin foam including over the edges of the plywood base. Then cover with Dacron. I used 2mm Dacron, if I did another job like this it would be at least 4mm.
Anyway came out really well in the end even if I say so myself. Next job create a little montage of the images from the build. See you soon 🔜 This turns out to be a project in itself, so content for another blog.
Turns out was a steep learning curve, but a good idea so I’ll keep trying 🤓
Well what prompted this build was the fact that the washing machine broke! So what do you do with a perfectly good and adaptable electric motor? Build a bandsaw of course. I have thought for a while that a bandsaw would be useful for my woodwork maker projects.
- Cutting some old Hawthorn
- Making Bird nest boxes
- working in seaside sculpture / plaque / model
So 3 months later still working on this. Currently issues with the top wheel getting a tensioner and alignment mechanisms. I have belatedly started photo documenting this so again content for a new post.
Web Site
Just trying to come up with content. Bringing in files from my existing sites and tidy up, fix bugs etc.
Current Dev tasks:
- Lists in mMarkdown
- Links in Markdown
- Snippets in VS
- Adding more pages and finding user friendly efficient ways to link to same.
- Making sure it’s all responsive
I have had issues with the publish step on Netlify with previous template and iterations of my site so I need to keep in mind to not race ahead to far without publishing.
Go Live
When to go live and link to my domain that is the question. Answer when it is at least that good and has the content; worthwhile content anyway copied across.
Chinese New Year
Finally seeing as its the Chinese new year… 1946 the year of the Fire Dog 火 狗 and 2024 Yo dudes lets rock 🎸
Think that will do for this post.