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Starting Again Again

Updated: at 03:05 PM

I know the old saying software is 95% finished for 95% of the time, but this is getting ridiculous!

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Starting again with a new template

As often mentioned my biggest problem seems to be prioritizing presentation over content. When faced with a page I chicken out and go back to styling. So what happened, well I upgraded my build and zap blank pages!


Well turns out the upgrade coincided with a major change to how Tailwind works, all for the good but nonetheless it pushed me to try several Astro 4.n templates. The change to Tailwind involved how it is setup and how it purges classes not used. Well worth the pain of transition but still took some sorting out. Any road up, e by gum etc.

Astro 4.0

The main change impacting me using version 4.n of Astro was the improved image handling which required a few changes to my working code. I find one of the few problems with developing using Astro is the lack of debug options (could well be my lack of knowledge of such) It didn’t help that the recipe detailing how to dynamically pass images to components had errors, eventually these were rectified and this at least works in the current build of my site. However…

Paging Data

Issues with paging. Another problem which showed up was then that the paging code used in v 3.x of Astro suddenly did not work and again the example code was no help. Solution, find a template which wad version 4.0 compliant and had working code for all or at least most of my requirements, and here we are with a site base on the excellent astro-paper template by Sat Naing

Whats next?

Well at the moment moving all the content (that which is worth moving :) to this site from my development environment and trying to document my days.

Over and out

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